DDR Group of Colleges

Name of the Program:

Diploma in Pharmacy

About Diploma in

As a way of imparting the foundational knowledge of pharmacy, the Diploma in Pharmacy program is designed to provide students with the fundamental understanding into the various streams of pharmacy. The College of Pharmacy offers a two year Diploma program in Pharmacy which seeks to impart within the students the basis of pharmaceutical medicine which relates to science and research. The scope of this field includes the purpose of diagnosing the various causes of disease and the manner and methods through which they can be treated. Beyond merely the treatment protocols and procedure, the field of pharmacy also explores various forms of practical research which can be utilised as a way of eradicating disease causing virus and curbing their spread for the welfare of humanity. 


Why Study Diploma in Pharmacy

The Diploma in Pharmacy program provides students with an understanding of the fundamentals of pharmacy which paves the way for career opportunities or for further studies in the field of pharmacy. In addition to this, the pharmaceutical industries are ever growing, thus always in demand for capable human resources with the abilities and skills to navigate the industry and bring solutions to humanity and the diploma program goes on to equip students with such skill sets and abilities. The program is integrated with medicine, thus students who get to pursue this program have a career leverage in the pharmacy sector, with prospective careers in:


An ability to navigate the various streams of the pharmaceutical industry, and display effective career competencies.


An ability to navigate the various streams of the pharmaceutical industry, and display effective career competencies.

Drug Inspector

The ability to develop the relevant soft skills and professional ethics which are vital for navigating the career landscape.


An ability to understand and comprehend the new forms of technologies and innovate solutions for the welfare of the society.

Duration: 2 Years (Annual System)


*Approved by AICTE
**Affiliated To HSBTE
***Approved by PCI


10 + 2 from Board of School Education, Haryana, or equivalent examination from a recognized board/University with 35% marks and pass in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/ Mathematics.


For admissions please visit our portal to register/login yourself and proceed ahead with your admission application.

Diploma in Pharmacy

₹ 60,000/- Annually

60 student per course